Are you looking to buy an AED, pocket mask or First Aid kit for your business or just to have around the house?
Here is a list of supplies I would recommend:
AED's (Automated External Defibrillator) Zoll AED Any AED will work fine but the ones most commonly found in public are Zoll, Phillips and Cardiac Science models.
First Aid Kits The basics for every First Aid kit should be: Bandages, gauze, gloves, Benadryl, and aspirin.
Pocket Masks Pocket masks are a great tool when having to breathe for a victim, especially when there is blood or vomit involved. Pocket masks can save you from catching bloodborne pathogens and anything else that might be contagious through mouth to mouth ventilations.
Bag Valve Masks Bag valve masks should only be used by BLS level providers. If you've taken the Heartsaver class, the BVM is not for you. BVM's work great for breathing for victims without having to get close to their face like a pocket mask. Remember to only inflate until the chest rises!